From December 3 th to 6 th, Machinery Promotion Group (MPG) will participate in Euro-Mold in Frankfurt/Germany to promote the Turkish Machinery Industry.
Approximately 1.048 companies from 100 countries were took place in Euro Mold 2012 whereas 12 of those companies are from Turkey. This year 6 Turkish companies will participate in EuroMold 2013. The companies will be in the fair with products of CAD/CAE/CAM/CIM techniques, computer facilities, designer products, molding machines, raw materials, software programs, plastic injection machines and coating.
During the fair, information will be given in info stand about Machinery Promotion Group and also advertisements with the main motto “You Are In good Hands”are published in Frankfurt Airport and on fair bags, pass tickets, shuttles, catalog and web site banners. Besides, promotion materials, sectoral associations catalog, brochures and cd of Turkish Machinery Sector will be distributed to the visitors participating the fair.
Turkish Machinery Promotion Group is waiting for its visitors at Euro Mold 2013 in HALL 9, A80.
ccording to the machinery export, Turkey has established 4th biggest growing country worldwide in the time from 2001 to 2011. Between 2001 and 2011, Turkish Machinery Export volume has increased from 1.7 billion USD up to 11.5 Billion USD.
MPG will carry on a PR Campaign for optimising the business relations between Turkey and Germany. For this reason, taking a place within important fairs is a previous step within next PR activities.